Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hey Everyone!

Being a Missionary for 20 months, I've grown and learned so much!  However, when it comes to computers, and technical things such as "blogging" I am very ignorant to all of this.  Up until about 2 days ago, I didnt even know what a blog was!  I'm getting closer now though!  I'm grateful for the opportunity that I have to share the Gospel with those in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan!  The Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ has blessed my life tremendously!  The Knowledge of why we're here? Or where do we go after we leave this earth?  These questions are answered in such a way that the spirit testifies of truth as the Restored Gospel is taught!  Anyone who sincerely wants to know if these great questions are true, can come to know for themselves that they are!  I know the concept of prayer is real!  Our loving Heavenly Father wants to answer our prayers.  We just need to put our faith into action, and ask God.  I'm very humbled to be a missionary, and I love serving others! I hope you have a Great day!